How to Add Background Music in Premiere Pro and Adobe Audition
Adding background music to your video clips can be done in many ways. In this tutorial, you will learn how to let Adobe Audition do most of the work to combine audio clips to the length of your video track. Learn how to use easy 1 click adjustments in the Essential Sound panel in Premiere Pro.
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How to Add Background Music in Premiere Pro and Adobe Audition.
Today I’m going to show you how to add background music in Premiere Pro to your video files. We’re also going to solve the problem of an audio clip that is way shorter or longer than your video track, and that’s where Adobe Audition comes in. So this is actually really simple. We’re going to jump right in.
But here’s a project that I had worked on previously. It’s one of my YouTube videos it is a Photoshop template video. I want to add some background music here to this video now.
How to Add a Music Clip to Your Timeline
So in your project, if you haven’t already, import your favorite audio clip. I’m going to come up here to file import an bring in this clip here. So after you have your clip in your project window. So now I’m going to double click on my clip and you see it up here in the source window.
So if you want to edit it, maybe you want to cut off any portion of it you can, of course, mark your in points “I” for in point ” O” for out point so up here where my cursor is says Drag Audio only. Make sure you’re dragging from there to your timeline. That’s one way you can do it,
Or from your project window, you could just drag your clip onto the timeline. And of course, you can edit it any way you want here. You can hit a “C” and thats that’s razor tool And you can chop it up however you like.
But I want to bring in the whole clip And as I resize the clips you can see the waveform already. You can see that the audio on the clip that I brought in is pretty high. So we’ll take care of that later, But the clip I brought in is 2 minutes and 46 seconds on my timeline is 13 minutes and 13 seconds.
What I want to do is I want to make that whole clip. Go all the way across my timeline. Now, this is the old way I would have to lock a clip like in this case I would have to lock the audio clip above it. Say command C, bring my play head over and say Command V and paste it in. But then I would have to move the clip up to the last clip and I would have to keep on doing that and guess.
How to Use Adobe Audition to Extend Your Music Clip

But what we’re going to do is let Adobe audition take it from here and it’s going to do everything automatic for us. Let’s see how that works. So now we’re going to select our new audio clip. Right click and say edit clip in Adobe Audition and so now we’re going to come up here to the top and click on Multitrack and we’re going to name our session and click OK.
And now from this window on the upper left on the top, drag your clip onto the top track and I’m going to move this over and now I’m going to go over to the properties and click Enable remix. And the clip is analyzing a
And we’re going to come over here to target duration. In it says that the clip is 2 minutes and 46 seconds. I’m going to change this to something like 13 minutes and 13 seconds and it is applying the remix. And audition has mixed that clip, it has extended it.
Then we can come up here to file export, export to Adobe Premiere Pro. All these settings are good unless there’s another place you want to save this particular file here. But you can take a default and make sure it says open in Adobe. Premiere pro this check box right here and say export.
Once back into Adobe Premiere Pro you can select where you want to copy the new track and I’m going to say audio three and say OK. Now I’m going to get rid of the previous audio track the one that’s to short. I’m just going to delete that. And I’m going to move the new audio track up.
And I’m going to slide over and see actually how it did over here. on the end. I’m going to slice this off at the end. Here. I’m going to hit C and cut that clip right there and now we’re all even. if you’re getting value out of this so far, hit that like button.
How to Adjust Your Audio Clip with the Essential Sound Panel in Premiere Pro
So now let’s make some adjustments to audiotrack. First of all, It’s too loud. We’re going to do some more automatic adjustments here. We’re going to use the essential sound panel if you don’t see the essential sound panel. Just come up to window and select it. If it is not checked so with the new audio track selected.
I am going to click on music in the essential sound panel. Well, first I want to play a little bit of it today. So obviously the music is way too loud and the dialogue that’s going on in the tutorial is being drowned out by this new background music.
So if I come over here to the loudness, click on that. There’s something called auto match. So if you click on that and look at the new wave form by the audio clip, you’re going to see where the waveform goes down. We’ll play a little bit more of it here. You couldn’t see how we could customize it, so that’s a lot better. We want to adjust it a little bit.
Going to raise that level or lower it a little bit and come down here further in the music panel and click on level. You can bring it down or up to, whatever suits your taste. Let’s say oh around 5 db -5db and play it again work. So that’s a lot better.
And then you can go to the end of your clip. Let’s put a transition. On the end of this audio clip, we just brought in. I’m going to put an exponential fade on that end of that clip, so I’m going to drag that onto my new audio clip and what you can also do is cut that clip right at the end there and independently. If you wanted to bring the audio back up with that clip selected, you can bring your audio level back up at the very end. Add Background Music in Premiere Pro.
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