The NEW Import Video in Adobe Premiere Pro – Best Workflow Update for 2022
The NEW Import, Edit Workflow in Premiere Pro for 2022 is really easy to use. If you are new to Premiere Pro or have been using it for a while, this new way of importing media into your projects can speed up your workflow. The new Import Video in Adobe Premiere Pro is here
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The NEW Import Video in Adobe Premiere Pro
Starting a project is easier and faster in the new premier pro import workflow. When you start off in Premiere Pro, you still have the home screen as before. You just click the new project and after you click new project. You get an entirely new way to start up using a media browser. To import, begin here at the top left, you name your project and select the location where you want to store it.
How to use the new Import Mode in Premiere Pro
I named this input demo and choose a location. Here on the left, you can select media from multiple locations, and here you have a list of favorites it has a star next to it. So for instance, here I can favor this location right here and it goes in the list. And if it’s a location that I frequently want to use or for a particular project, I can just make it a favorite and I could select it here in this area if I want to unfavorite.
I just click the star again, but I’m going to use the sample media from Premiere Pro and notice when I put my mouse over the clip, I can hover scrub through the clip. I can go through all my lips in this particular folder and hover scrub through them. And up here at the top here where are in the grid view you can change to the list view.
And in the grid view, I can control the size of these thumbnails just by adjusting this slider. I can sort my list here by all of these parameters, by name, creation date, ascending order descending order. I could display my list or my grid by file types displayed. So if I just want to see videos only that’s on my list.
I can see audio-only or images only. And I can search here by anything in the file name. If I hover over a file name, I get information about the clip, its duration frame rate frame size, creation date, and all the information about the clip. So if you’re at any location on your computer and you hover scrubbing through and you want this clip, notice here at the bottom, there’s a tray down here and it’s putting that clip in the tray.
And if you put your mouse over it, it’ll show you the location of that clip and click on one of my favorites locations. And I’m going to choose this clip right here. And you notice it is down in the tray. So you can choose media from multiple locations. What I can do down here in a tray is if I select the media and right-click and say clear, it is taken out of the tray.
I can select an entire folder down here. And a tray, says 28 objects are selected. I can open up a folder and say, I want to go in my footage folder and I want to select everything in here. This way I can say, command or control+A and select all my clips. They’re all down here in the tray.
If want to select all of those clips in that folder. I say Shift Command or Control+A And there are all these selected and out of the tray. So now to our import settings on the upper right corner. If none of these options are enabled, in other words, nothing is clicked. If you want to start off as before, all you need to do is add a project name and a project location and say create.
Import Settings in Premiere Pro
You have an open project as before. You can import and create your sequence as you did before. But here are some nice options you have now. At the top copy media. Once you enable this, click on the button twirl this down. This is great to copy media from another location. Say the location you have selected is a camera card and you’ve selected a couple of clips here and there on the camera card.
With this option, you copy that media from the camera card to this location, you can choose a location, so you only need to copy certain files, not the whole camera card. And this preset here for verification, meaning the media is copied and verified. So you’re getting everything that you’re asking for. So again, great for copying media from a camera card.
You don’t have to copy the whole camera card. Just what you need. Next is a New Bin. It’s going to create a new bin in your project area. And you can name the bin anything you like. Here call this demo bin and you have the option. Create a new sequence from the media you selected. So if I Select More Media.
And I want to create a new sequence. So now my import settings are I have four clips selected down here in the tray and we create a new bin, called demo bin, and then create a new sequence called demo sequence. And the thing to be aware of when it creates a sequence. You may have selected media that has multiple frame rates and resolutions, but what this interface does, it takes the first clip you selected as the information or your sequence.
So this first clip over here, that’s where it’s getting all its information for the sequence. Then you hit create and here’s my project area, here’s my demo bin with the clips that I selected. Here’s my demo sequence. First clip here, all these properties are how the sequence was created. Remembers the first clip that you select determines the properties of the sequence.
More New Updates for 2022
Since we’re here in the edit mode, something new is up here in the workspace area. Now, all the workspaces are in this list. Click on this Workspaces icon right here. And these are all the workspaces. And right now there’s an option that’s a show workspace label. So this is the workspace I’m on, a new workflow workspace. I want to choose learning that label showing right there and go back to the one I was on.
There’s my workspace. And another option here. I can show workspace tabs now. I can grab this bar right here and I can expand it out here. And now it kind of looks like it did before across the top of the menu here. And you can click on any of these here. And if you don’t want to see that, you can come back down here.
You can choose show workspace label and something else that is new or your playback. There’s this icon up here, maximized video output. It maximized the program window. So if I hit the spacebar and play this icon it is maximized, hit escape. The way you did before, maybe you put your mouse over the program window and hit tilde or something similar. Or hit control tilde in similar ways.
But now you have this icon up here. Maximize video output. If you want to know more about Premiere Pro, click on one of the videos on the screen. Now, if you haven’t already like share and subscribe and remember, it’s never too late to learn. Thanks for watching.
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