Quick Way to Match Color in Photoshop 2022
Here is a quick way to match color in Photoshop. We are going to use channels and curves to match color in an image. Learn this quick method for matching color.
Match Color in Photoshop
In this video, I’m going to show you a technique to help you quickly match color in images using Photoshop. In this example, I have two couches. I want the lighter colored couch to be the same as the color of the couch above it. So the first thing I’m going to do is I’m going to select the couch on the bottom here, and I’m going to use the object selection tool and make my selection.
I’m going to use my quick selection tool to take the selection away from the legs here. That’s all I need to do. And now that I have my couch selected, I’m going to load that selection onto its own layer by adding control or command j. Throughout this example, I’m going to keep Layer one selected. I’m only going to work on layer one.
To help make this adjustment easier. I’m going to make a color swatch. I’m going to use the rectangular marquee tool. And I’m going to make a small rectangle, which is going to serve as my swatch from the couch that I want to change the color of. Now I’m going to put the swatch on the couch that has my target color. So I’m going hold down for Mac.
It’s a command + option for windows its Control + ALT. I’m on a MAC so I’m going to hold down command plus option at the same time and click and drag and I’m going to put this swatch up here on the couch that has my target color. I’ll deselect that with command+D. The Swatch is on the same layer as the couch that I made a selection of.

So now if we change the swatch color, the color of the other couch will change because we are in the same layer. So we’re going to change color using channels and I’m going to my channels panel. If I go to each channel, I’m going to be able to see the swatch. Here is the Red Channel, here is a green channel there is the Blue Channel.

So we’re going to start with the Red Channel, and come up to image adjustments and curves. So we’re going to use a combination of curves and channels to change the color of our couch. So the red channel, I’m going to pull this down and you can see this swatch starting to change. It’s starting to blend in. Just bring this down to you.
Get it to blend in as best as possible. If there’s a difference in textures, it may be a little bit more difficult to blend this in, but do the best you can. Look away and look back. After a minute or so, just your eyes get used to seeing the way it’s blending in and choose something that you think is blending in pretty good and then say, okay. Go to the Green Channel, do the same thing.

Come up here to image adjustments, curves. Now in the Green Channel, bring this down until it blends in to your liking or it’s pretty close. You probably still be able to see the Swatch a little bit. That’s okay. I’ll go to the Blue Channel Image Adjustments, Curves, and now we’ll adjust the level here on the blues and this one is blending in a little bit more, a little bit better and say, okay. And then turn on the RGB, go back over to our Layers panel.

Now we can use the eraser tool to get rid of the swatch. We don’t need that anymore. You can see it did a pretty good job. It left any highlights that were already in the leather. If you want, you can come down here to your layers panel and add A levels adjustment. Click right here to clip the adjustment layer to the layer below.
And you can use your levels to lighten up your color a little bit, especially if you’re trying to match this, if it were right next to each other in the same room, but slight adjustments would help like that. Now, if you aren’t going to add highlights, come down the bottom of your layers. Panel, add a new layer with that new layer selected hold ALT.
And you see the arrow has changed. You clip that to the layer below with a soft round brush paint with white with a flow of around 30 follow the areas where there’s already a highlight, just brush in areas where you see a highlight already there kind of just follow the way it is and then change your blend mode to soft light and lower your capacity.
And there’s before and there’s the after. Just a subtle enhancement of your highlights. And here’s the before and here’s to after. If you want more tutorials just like this, click on one of the videos on the screen. Now, if you haven’t already like sharing subscribe and remember it’s never too late to learn. Thanks for watching.
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