Revolutionize Your Editing Game with Premiere Pro’s NEW A.I. Text-Based Editing Feature!
Text Based Editing Premiere Pro
Adobe has just released an incredible update to Premiere Pro, and it’s all about text-based editing. With the latest release of Premiere Pro, you can now edit video like it’s a text document. In this video, we’ll dive deep into this powerful new tool and show you how to use it to enhance your editing workflow
First, create a new project and give it a project location.
Then you can choose the clip that you want to import.
Next, come over here to the right and you see automatic transcription.
Click on that button to activate it.
You choose your language.
Enable language. Auto detection. Check that.
Speaker labeling.
In this case I selected
No, do not separate speakers.
And under transcription preferences.
I am going to check auto transcribe all imported clips
And then I’m going to say create.
Also there is a new workspace
called text based editing. Click that.
Then that brings up the workspace for text based editing.
Double click on your clip that you imported
and you can see on the left here in the text based workspace
that it has automatically transcribed your clip.
And now I can create my sequence
and drag my clip over onto my timeline.
Another way to do this. If you didn’t import your clips when you first open Premiere Pro or you already have clips on your timeline.
So I’m going to import a clip right now.
Before you get to the text based panel. There is an option you need to turn on so that the clip will be automatically transcribed.
if I go over here to the top to Premiere Pro Settings Transcription.
Right here, make sure that automatically transcribed clips is checked
And I’m going to select auto transcribe all imported clips
And the option here for speaker labeling, I’m going to say no, don’t separate speakers
for transcription language. I’m going to have enable language auto detection checked
my default, languages is English.
And I’m going to say, okay.
Now I’m going to go to the new workspace, which is called text based editing.
If I click on the clip, you can see that everything has been transcribed.
So right now, this is only happening in the source monitor. So now I can create my sequence
and drop my clip onto my timeline,
and now I can start editing.
So now I can actually edit the text instead of going to the clip on the timeline.
So now let’s see how you can actually use text based editing.

When you click anywhere in the transcript in the text window, the play head jumps to that point.
If you highlight text in this text window, you can see that on the timeline, it creates an in and out point for you.
Then to delete that, you do it a couple of different ways you can come up to this icon right here
and you can lift it or hit semicolon.
I’ll click the icon
and it deleted the text that you highlighted in the text window from the timeline.
I can use the extract
icon or
the comma,
and that will not only delete the text
but ripple delete
from the timeline.

You can also come down here to the bottom
and this icon here
with the three dots you click,
It says Display pauses as
well three dots. Click on that
and up here in your text.
You could see all the pauses
in your transcript. You can highlight over any of them
and it will tell you the duration of the pause.
You will also go to that pause in your timeline as you click through.
can highlight a
pause and click delete.
This will update the timeline
the time codes.

If you have a batch of footage that is particularly long, you can type into the search bar
to go to that point in the video so that you can edit at that point

If you need to rearrange sections.
You can highlight and right click and say cut extract,
then move to the section where you want to paste it in and say paste.
if you’re ready to take your video editing skills to the next level with Premiere Pro’s text based editing feature,
then hit the subscribe button and turn on the notification bell because you won’t want to miss our upcoming tutorials.
Remember, it’s never too late to learn. Thanks for watching.
Read the previous blog article here ➡️ Discover What’s New in Lightroom: Exciting Features Released in April 2023!
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