Mastering Creative Magic: Exploring Uses of Photoshop’s New AI Generative Fill Feature – 2024

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Exploring Uses of Photoshop New AI Generative Fill Feature

In this video, we’ll be exploring the uses of the new AI generative fill feature in Photoshop! This feature can help you create some amazing and unique images very easily. Generative Fill is out of beta. If you’re new to Photoshop or looking to expand your abilities, then this video is for you! We’ll be exploring Photoshop new AI generative fill feature in detail, and learning how to use it to create some amazing images!

The September 2024 release of Photoshop 25.0 has the new generative fill.

So generative fill is now out of beta. I’m going to show you some of the uses
for this AI tool here in Photoshop.

We’re going to use generative fill to add a water reflection right here in this grass area.

photoshop new AI generative fill

So I’m going to use my lasso tool and I’m
going to lasso in this area right here.

And with generative fill, the area that you select is going to be the size
that is going to be occupied by the fill.

so now you see
I had the contextual toolbar here.

I’m going to move this down to the bottom
and I’m going to click

on these three dots here
and I’m going to say pin bar position.

So in the generative fill box right here,
you can type in a prompt.

I’m going to enter water reflection
with ripples

and I’m click generate
and it’s kind of take a little while here.

So up here in the right,
you see where it says variations.

You can click on any of these
and see different variations

that the generative fill
has generated for you.

If you don’t like any of these,

you can click on Generate again
or try a different prompt.

I like this one.

on the contextual taskbar down here,

you click on these arrows
and see all your different variations.

So I’m going to go with this variation.

Photoshop New AI Generative Fill Feature

We’re going to use generative
fill to change.

This model’s eye color.

So I’m going to use my lasso tool.

And I’m going to select around the eyes
here, around each eye separately.

Better to do that than to select
across the bridge of the nose

and across eyes that could change
the shape of the person’s face.

in the generative fill prompt,
I’m going to type in green eyes,

and I’m going to hit, generate
and here’s the variations

the lets see between this one
and this one, maybe this one.

And if you feel like it’s
too much or too strong,

You can come over here to the layer
that your generative fill made and you can

take down the opacity a little bit.

But I like this version right here.

Let’s take this further
and let’s change the color of her hair.

I take my lasso to
and I’m going to go around the hair area

and it’s not 100% perfect,
but something like this.

And now in the prompt,
let’s type in red hair and hit generate.
Let’s go through our variations.

She changed the hairstyle a little bit
and depending on what you like,

we can go with this one.

There’s before there’s the after.

We can change
the prompt Lets do brown this time

hit generate
we have this variation here or this one.

I kind of like that one.

There’s is the before
and there is the after.

now looks pretty close
to the original hairstyle.

I like this brown hair.

Photoshop New AI Generative Fill

Now, you may have come across this before.

you’ve been traveling

and there’s an attraction or landmark
that you really interested in.

But there’s just too many people.

Well, it’s
that generative fill. Take care of that.

Again, I’m going to use my lasso tool
and this lasso, this area right here.

And let’s see, there’s somebody over here.

And this time
I’m not going to put in a prompt,

I’m just going to click
generate and zoom in a little bit.

And you had these variations
And its so far away that you really
can’t tell exactly what’s there,
but this one looks pretty good.

All the people are gone
from this beautiful hallway.

Here’s to before and here is the after.

Photoshop New AI Generative Fill

You can generate your own image.

I have a blank canvas here,
and I’m going to select

the entire canvas with my marquee tool.

And in the prompt
I’m going to type snowcapped

mountain with trees
near lake and hit generate.

And here’s my three variations.

little bit different.

This one right here

I like because you can see
some of the reflections in the trees

that this generated.

So I’m going to go with this one
right here.

So that’s generating an image from a blank

canvas using the prompt in generated fill.

Photoshop New AI Generative Fill

Let’s use generative fill replace the
background where this subject is standing.

I’m going to use the select subject
down here on the contextual task bar

I’ll click Select Subject

and then I’ll invert the selection
and in the generative fill prompt.

I’ll just type in overlooking the ocean
and click generate.

here are the three variations we have.

All of them are nice
and we generate again.

And so we can choose any of these here.

and so we’ll just use this one here.

There’s two before and there see after.

Photoshop New AI Generative Fill

Let’s use generative
fill to combine two images.

First, we had this image here.

going to use the crop tool

and just pull this out
a little bit like this to make it bigger.

And hit the checkmark here at the top
and we got a larger area,

I have another image here with my move
tool and I can hold down the shift key

and I’m going to bring this image
into our other image and release

my mouse and I’m going to make image
I just brought in a little bit smaller.

Say command t
and make it smaller and position it.

Make either of your images the size that
you want a position of where you want.

Now we’re going to

use the rectangular marquee tool
and I’m going to make a selection

I’m not going to make my selection
all the way to the end.

Over here on the right side of this image
can leave a little bit.

Not selected any other image I’m going
to select just on the inside of the image.

All the way around, leaving a little bit
on the border, something like this.

And down here on the contextual toolbar,
I’m going to click Invert selection.

Click on Generative Fill

and click on Generate, and I’ll click
to see the other variations.

You know, try it one more time
just to see if it makes a difference.

and it can use generative fill again.

I’m going to see what it does
when I select some of these areas here

just to see if they blend in a little bit

let’s replace that sky, make a stamp
visible layer right here

go up to edit replacement.

And sky replacement is working
Lets choose a sky with some more clouds

play with the faded edge
and shifting the edge a little bit.

Say okay, there and you can add another
layer and do a little cloning there.

Here, there you see it needs it.

But Just just to give you an idea
how you can combine photos

with generative fill.

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And remember, it’s never too late to learn.

Thanks for watching.

Here is the previous blog article ➡️ How to Add an Easy Smoke Effect in Photoshop

See my photography website here ➡️.